Decree 15/2018/ND-CP by the Government stipulates that all organizations and individuals producing and trading food in Vietnam shall conduct a product self-declaration (or conformity announcement) with the state authority before sale or distribution in the market.
Which products to be self-declared?
Product self-declaration applies to: Processed, ready-packaged foods; additives; processing aids; utensils, packaging materials for food (collectively referred to as products) that follow technical standards QCVN or TCVN.
What do businesses need for product self-declaration?
The product self-declaration dossier includes:
- A product self-declaration according to Form 01 Annex I issued under Decree 15
- A food safety testing report of the product issued within 12 months up to the date of dossier submission, by a designated testing laboratory or a recognized testing laboratory conforming to ISO 17025.

Product self-declaration
The procedure for product self-declaration is as follows:
Businesses and individuals self-declare their products on mass media or their own digital information pages or publicly post them at their business or individual headquarters and submit 01 copy via mail or directly to the state authority designated by the Provincial People’s Committee;
Upon self-declaration, organizations and individuals are entitled to produce and trade the product and are fully responsible for its safety;
The state authority receives the self-declaration from organizations and individuals for record-keeping and posts the names of organizations, individuals, and self-declared products on the digital portal gate of the dossier-receiving authority.
In the case that an organization or individual has 2 or more production facilities producing the same product, the organization or individual only submits the dossier to a local state authority at the production facility chosen by the organization or individual. Once a state authority has been chosen for dossier submission, subsequent self-declarations shall be submitted to the previously chosen agency.
All documents in the product self-declaration dossier shall be presented in Vietnamese; documents in foreign languages shall be notarized translations and valid at the time of self-declaration.
If there are changes in the product name, origin, or composition, the organization or individual shall redeclare the product. In other cases of change, the organization or individual shall notify in writing the content of the change to the state authority and may produce and trade the product upon sending the notification.
Above are the guidelines for product self-declaration for businesses intending to introduce products to the market. If you are in concern of the above affair, please contact us directly for the best support.